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Designated organizational funds to help repair at-risk historic properties

Preserve Rhode Island has an emerging program for at-risk historic properties where we can take on select real estate and construction projects such as:


  • Pre-construction planning including feasibility studies, architecture and engineering services and other technical support to analyze alternatives and preservation strategies.

  • Option agreements and short-term ownership to hold and market historic properties for resale with a preservation easement.

  • Acquisition, stabilization, protection, and sale as strategies to save endangered properties.

  • Curator arrangements where a long-term lease secures a property and provides the financial basis for upfront rehabilitation investments.

  • Major construction projects to rehabilitate historic structures so long-term preservation strategies are possible.



Chase Farmhouse

Valentine Whitman House

Mary Mowry House


Learn More

For more information, contact Get in touch with our Preservation Director Paul Trudeau by email or call 401-272-5101 ext. 206

You can preserve
great old places by supporting PRI
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